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All Filefactory related threads merged
Payment options for one, 2 it is very limited in how much one can download. 3, I use RapidLeech. RG is not kind towards my RL host. I am limited in funds and RG to me is horrible. I tried it via a friends account and it was a horrible experience.

Mind you, I am not complaining about you folks. It just saddens me that I won't be able to participate here with regard to the RG links now.
Saw this one just now -

Server Failed

This file is no longer available due to an unexpected server error. If you are the owner of this file, it will need to be re-uploaded.

Please contact support if you require further assistance.
I understand, you have here at least 700-800 Tv packs with FF links, but with this amount of donation we can not afford to have 20-30 FF acounts to store all of our data and pay them every month. 1 TB is not enough, that is 5-7 days of uploading. RL gives you 4GB/day, but Rapdgator premium gives you 1TB/month downloading.

We will keep uploading to FF till we have free space on our accounts, but as stated in site Notice do not buy premiums on FF longer then 1 month
j downloader just updated and fixs the filefactory error click the update tab let it finish then exit and reopen and it works fine

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