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Site Help - Please !
I am writing this on my own,(so don't get too mad Jedan),To ask all those who have not donated to this site to please do so as soon as possible if you can;
He would have to take money out of his family budget,to fund this site that we love.So please a little bit goes a long way.One or two movies or tv shows pays for itself w/ a small donation.
I would not have all that I do now,if it was not for this site.I'm not preaching,just asking for all to help a little if you can.
(09-26-2013, 11:21 PM)MONSTERMAX2009 Wrote: I am writing this on my own,(so don't get too mad Jedan),To ask all those who have not donated to this site to please do so as soon as possible if you can;
He would have to take money out of his family budget,to fund this site that we love.So please a little bit goes a long way.One or two movies or tv shows pays for itself w/ a small donation.
I would not have all that I do now,if it was not for this site.I'm not preaching,just asking for all to help a little if you can.

Thank U for this !

comments,why or why not to donate-support this site, are welcome.

I am in total agreement with everything said. Things are very difficult with filehosts right now, just to add to the hard work it takes for the moderators to do all the research and uploading it takes to run the site - FOR US. I know it's a labor of love, but it also takes more than a bit of cash to pay site expenses. This site is smaller than some, but it does the best I've seen on TV, and don't be fooled just because the movies have been slow for awhile; they will be back in force soon. If we want to see this site grow, recommend it to a couple of friends and donate some small amount every six months or so. 50 or 100 "small amounts" would keep us going without pain to anyone.
Cheers to everyone and a special thanks to the Mods.

I agree with everything said. I try to donate $10 every month and if that's not possible then def every other month. It's not much but at least it's something and I value all the work click, universe and Jedan (and anyone else I missed) does Wink
If you enjoy this site as much as I do please help keep it open by donating. I donate $10 - $20 each month. A small amount to be able to download TV programs, audiobooks, ebooks and movies. Please help those of us who are already donating by donating even if it is only $5. We really want to enable these guys to keep this site open. I know we'd all really miss it if it was gone.

ITA - please donate to the site if you can. I'm glad to give the money I do and appreciate all the efforts that go on here.
I agree I tried to leave what i can as this is one of the best forums i have seen and I have been at a least 19 others in my life time.
They work vary hard on here and do a great job 5-10.00 is not really that much to give, maybe like 3 cents a day for all they do here
I will continue to give when i can

Keep up the great work guys
Sad to say my reason for not being able to donate is two fold. I don't have a lot of money but if there was a way to use
a debit card. I could maybe do a few dollars a month or more.

I did have a pay pal account long time ago but when it got hack. I closed it all down.

That be the best I can say on my own reason.

I would love to help out cause this site does have a lot of old tv show and complete series listed.

I have already made my little contribution. Blush
Thanks for the site. Cool
Agreed and just did!

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