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Dear Members

This post is NOT for those who donate funds to this forum.

However, for the majority of those who frequent this site, this plea is to you.
As the saying goes, 'Nothing is free!'

On the site main page, it is clearly displayed a bar (non-functioning),
but with an accurate percentage of the funds received for the current month.
The costs involved in keeping 1-link operational to a high level aren't cheap.

Over this year, several months have not reached the monthly target.
This can only have the logical consequence of reduced services, slower action times,
and ultimately...........

We're not asking you to sell the holiday home, cash in your life insurance etc.
An average of a few dollars per week will not send you into liquidation, and you'll
feel contented knowing you're regularly contributing to a worthy cause shared by many.

I trust that this post isn't wasted, and many take up the challenge, and contact @JEDAN
for instructions on how to be involved.
Plus, as a thanks, any requests you make as given priority treatment. This is the least we can do!


[Image: UUjhCH5.gif?2]
Thanks to the three people who responded positively to my post.

Month is almost over. 15% target to go.

Come on folks! Show JEDAN that you care!!!

Angel Angel Angel
[Image: UUjhCH5.gif?2]

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